The newborns are licked by their "mum" to stimulate their movement and sucking reflexes. If for some reason the mum doesn't take to the lamb or allow it to suck...which fortunately is somewhat unusual, the crofter has to feed it wit
Our gardening project is continuing to expand and make prog
TRADITION! We were watching "Fiddler on the Roof" the other night and were amazed at the similarities in that culture and here. In one scene, Topol is talking (or singing) to himself about certain traditions and says "So you ask why we do it that way?" He pauses, smiles, and replies, "I don't know!" We are finding quite alot of that here! Living in a rural community, where so many have such a long history of ancestors and ways of life, has it challenges for "incomers". But we know God has called us, city folks from Texas, and we trust that He will fulfill His purposes in His way and in His time! We are now, and could be for some time to come, in that stage of "preparing and planting"....and waiting to see what comes up! God will produce the growth.
Robert has given out the book "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands" by Paul Tripp to the Elders and their wives and has started the "Changing Hearts, Changing Lives" DVD series. We think it is a good opportunity to share with the Elders how to incorporate biblical truths in everyday life. Please pray for wisdom as Robert lead that series.
Linda recently started up a new Women's Bible Study. They are studying "Women of the Bible". She is developing the questions and study herself, rather than using any particular study guide, and that has been a real blessing to her. She also published the first newsletter for the parish, with pictures, events, and upcoming information. We are hopeful that this will contribute to the unity of all three congregations, as they know more of what is going on around the parish.
We have started meeting with the youth. We have 3 at the moment who seem committed and eager to participate. We are using a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. He is a quite dynamic person and has a great way to communicate with young people. If you want to check him out, you can find out about him at . We will discuss the book and watch a short DVD segment, play games, and eat (of course)! We hope to build the group and see more teenagers here come to Christ.
One of Robert's ministry opportunities is going to schools in our parish and sharing a short devotional. It's a great opportunity to meet kids and teachers and share the gospel. He recently took all the makings for nachos to one of the schools and the kids had fun learning how to make a "Texas" treat!
We are looking forward to a visit from our daughter Liz and her family at the end of May. We are missing our family and friends in the states, so this will be a refreshing time! We invite all of you to come visit us!! We live on an absolutely stunning island IN SCOTLAND! We have 4 bedrooms. We are eager for visitors! So, "Ya'll come!"
Ana and Bennett loved the pictures of the sheep and lambs. We will be following the progress of your garden, it will be great! We love and miss you so much but are equally as excited about the opportunities you've been given to spread grace. I wish we could be part of your parish!! All our love,
Jennie, Steve, Ana and Bennett
thanks for the updates! a lamb in diapers...what an image :)
Robert and Linda, thanks for sharing! We miss you guys so much! But, this is also our encouragement to remember to pray for you. We know that God is using your gifts and past experiences in your current play of service. We always enjoy hugging Craig and Liz ... they are special too! Blessings and if you ever need Spanish speakers let us know ;) Soli Deo gloria!
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