The last couple of weeks have been disastrous for my blog. I know! I have had difficulty getting to a computer with the Internet. The lady who offered me hers, has been out of town a lot and I have had other responsibilities that have hindered my updating the blog. The only real disappointment I have had is that in communicating with one of the church members the other day I found out that I could have had Internet here at the manse, but because the Session Clerk told me that it was not available, I just let it go. Well, with just under a week to go here in Scotland, I must move on.
I had a great opportunity to share the Gospel with a man who is terminally ill. It reminded me of the time in Kensaleyre. It appears that all that the doctors want to do to correct some intestinal problems will give him longer to live, but will affect the quality of his life. He told me that he was not afraid of dying. When I asked him where he got such courage, his wife began saying that he was such a good man, blah, blah, blah. All the things that she said about him being a good father, grandfather, etc., were commended by me, but I told him that that was not an acceptable offering, since the ultimate offering had already been made for him in the person of Jesus Christ. The assurance of a person’s acceptance by Christ is where one’s confidence should be in not fearing death. When I read various verses John 4, 11 and 16, I looked at him and tears were running down his face. I had already been there for over an hour and had another commitment that afternoon. But I asked him if he wanted to pray. His face went blank and I asked if he would like me to pray and he nodded in the affirmative. I prayed that the Lord would grant Him the peace that comes only by faith in Christ. That he would have the ability to humble himself and confess his need for Him. When I finished, he would not let go of my hand. He held it tightly. He was so moved he could not talk. I told him I would come back again. I have an appt. with him tomorrow.
I preached three times last Sunday in Broadford, Kyleakin, and Elgol. I have not preached that many times in one day in a long time. I got tired of hearing myself speak , but the Gospel was proclaimed, and that is what it is all about. I met some wonderful people in each congregation. I will be preaching in Kyleakin this Saturday night at a Communion Preparation Service. Most churches here do the communion once a quarter and three days prior to the Communion Sunday, they have services on Wednesday thru Saturday for a several of reasons. It follows the teaching in 1 Corinthians 11.27-32 calling all communicants to check their hearts. It also gives the congregants an opportunity to declare faith in Christ opening the way for them to baptized and receive communion. Lastly, the time allows for growing in the knowledge of the grace that is a part of the communion.
As you may recall, (though you may not because it has been three months ago), four days after arriving in Scotland I was called upon to preside over a funeral. Well, seven days before leaving, I did another one. In both cases, I, of course, knew neither man. One was a boat builder. The one yesterday was a former curator of the Dunvegan Castle. Listening to each family talk about these men made me wish that I could have known them. Both situations gave me the wonderful privilege of proclaiming the Gospel. Both churches were filled and members of both churches said that the majority of the attendants were non-believers. I praise the Lord for the blessing of declaring His love and grace in any circumstance. I may have another one before I leave. There is a 94 year old lady who recently had a stroke and is not expected to live much longer. I am to go to the hospital later today to see her.
Sunday will be my last opportunity to preach here in Scotland, for a while. We have our Bible study on Monday evening, and then on Tuesday I head for Inverness. My flight leaves Inverness on Wednesday morning at 7am, so I will have to spend the night there, in order to get to the airport by 5:30am. It is, in one way, hard to imagine that my three months is up. Conversely, this has been a terribly long time to be away from family, church and friends. This will probably be my last contribution to the blog, until I get home, but I have one last item to tell you about.
Last Wednesday, September 17, I met with the Credentials Committee of the Church of Scotland for the express purpose of seeing if I might be a suitable candidate for a permanent pastoral position. I responded to questions for two hours. I felt very much at ease and the Lord gave me the ability to communicate with them quite freely. They had great poker faces, so I have no idea whether or not I will gain acceptance. If they give approval for me to seek a pastorate, then, Linda and I will pray for God’s directive. Just because the CofS says, “Yes” will we see that as God’s answer. This is a big decision on our part. We do not want to be anyplace that God does not want us to be, nor do we not want to be where He does want us to be. Scotland is a magnificently beautiful place with great spiritual needs. But there are many such places in the world. The key is His clear leadership. I have never found God silent in all the places I have served. He has always given unmistakable guidance and peace wherever we have gone. Since He wants me to be where He wants me to be, I can be confident that He will Sovereignly show Himself again. Would you please pray with us and for us in this matter?
I have included some shots from favorite memories...
Dunvegan Castle
This beautiful princess found the fossil ruins of some ancient guy, propped him up next to her and someone took this photo.
Well, till I write from San Antonio, Texas, USA, I will say, “Cheerio” and God bless you.