Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wintry Wonderland

Looking out at our back "garden" covered in snow. We love watching the cows!
Living in Scotland is both challenging and delightful! Having lived in milder climates these past several years, getting use to snow, ice, sleet and temperatures that are frequently belowing freezing is challenging. The driveway, known here as the "brae", is at quite an angle and becomes very hard to navigate with layers of ice and snow on it. The former minister made quite a stir when he lost control of his car going down the brae and unable to stop, ended up in the fence across the highway. Fortunately there were no cars coming on the highway, so he avoided being broadsided. Coming up the brae can be a challenging thrill as well. Robert reves the engine and starts several yards back on the highway to get enough momentum to fling us up the brae. Sometimes we'll get halfway up and start sliding backwards, other times we can just barely make it up the hill. All the time we are both yelling and straining forward hoping that will encourage our wee Nissan "Note" to make it. And sometimes we just can't leave the manse at all in our car. But, that's not so bad! It's kind of fun to be "snowed in"! It makes time for good reading with numerous cups of hot tea !
A couple of weeks ago, Robert preached at a Communion service at the Church of Scotland in the Staffin Parish. We saw some wonderful winter scenery on the way. "Old Man of Storr" is a famous rock formation here and it looked quite majestic! Oh, the handiwork of God! He is so awe-inspiring! The sharing of communion with another congregation is very uplifting. The churches like to have "guest ministers" to preach during the communion time, and it give us good opportunities to fellowship with others outside our own parishes.

Looking out over the front garden towards Snizort Loch

Jonathan, Bethany, Lydia, Elizabeth and Nathaniel joined up on Christmas Eve at the Manse
  Reinforcements Coming!!!     In a previous blog, I mentioned the Tink family who came to help us with our "Holiday Club" this summer. Well, we are so excited that they are moving into our parish and want to help us with the work here! They are a delightful couple who have been working in Elgol, at the southern tip of Skye, starting a new Christian fellowship there. Jonathan is from Wales and was involved in ministry in Ireland before relocating to Scotland. His wife, Elizabeth, grew up in a missionary family here in Scotland. They both have a heart for starting new work and supporting pastors with their responsibilities. They have two daughters and a new baby boy. They will be helping us in outreach to families with children! That is exactly what we have been praying for! We currently have no children in our churches. We are so blessed that the Lord has called them to our parish! Would you please pray for us as we work together?

Johnetta and Cleo in Colorado
Our Families.......Since our last blog, we have made a trip back to the states. We concentrated on visiting our families as much as possible, which included a trip to see Robert's mom and sister Mary and her husband Bill in Nacogdoches, Texas. Robert's mom is 97 years old and in fairly good health. Mary and Bill take wonderful care of her and we appreciate that so much, since we are so far away and can't help them with that responsibility. They are truly inspirational to us in their loving patience and consideration for her every need. We couldn't be doing what we are doing without that kind of support back home!  We also had a chance to visit Robert's sister Johnetta and her husband Cleo in Colorado. They have had a very challenging year adjusting to Cleo's spinal cord injury. The Lord has blessed both of them with patience and endurance throughout this difficult trial.

Our three daughters: Melody, Liz and Sarah with two grandsons, Brennan and Cal

I could go on and on about family and friends who inspire and encourage us. God is so gracious to us. In the midst of our struggles and challenges, He is at work. He is good. He is working out what is best for us. He is conforming us to His image. Romans 8:28-29. We know that some people might think we are really "doing something for the Lord" over here. We are just endeavoring to live out a life of obedience to God's calling in an unusual place (at least from a Texan's perspective!). But we look at our family and friends back in the states doing the same thing. Living in obedience to God's calling where He has placed them. Demonstrating His love to those around them. That honors and glorifies Him. We are most grateful He has given us such wonderful examples and encouragers as you all. It really does help us want to be where He wants us to be and be who He wants us to be. We pray that in this coming year that God's rich grace will abound to you in all that you do!! Thanks for your prayers and those who have contibuted to the work here this year through Heart Matters. Those contributions help us do things we couldn't consider doing on our own. We love you and as always would welcome you eagerly here in Bonnie Scotland!!