We got things in "full swing" during the holidays with a Christmas party for the paris
Another event we had during the holidays was an Open House. We wanted the parishners to have the opportunity to come and enjoy Linda's Christmas decorating and baking. We have a desire to make people feel welcome at the manse...and show hospitality. Everyone was very gracious and many stayed the whole time. That's a good sign!
For Christmas Eve, the church was filled with visitors who had seen an ad in the local newspaper about the service. It was great having them come and Robert preached a short message and we served tea and mincemeat pies afterwards. Our fellowship hall was packed!
We spent Christmas Day with Ben and Annette Johnstone..they had invited an elderly lady and another couple from their church for turkey dinner...all complete with Christmas cake, and other assorted goodies. Morag joined us later. It was so nice to be with our Scotland "family" on that special day!
Then we had a New Year's Day noon service...that was well attended, as parishners wanted to start the new year in community worship. We had never participated in that kind of a service before, so it was quite refreshing...
During the holidays the whole of the UK went into the deep freeze! I think someone said it had been 50 years since it had been this snowy and cold. All over the country people have been stranded as they tried to travel
We just returned this week from a pastor's conference in central Scotland. It was a very uplifting and inspirational meeting...with about 150 pastors and some spouses in attendance. The speaker was from Ireland and he did an overview of 1 &2 Thessalonians, Romans and 1 & 2 Corinthians. It was all geared to encouraging ministers. These pastors are "conservatives" within the Church of Scotland...and hold to inerrancy of Scripture. Some are in parishes that are quite liberal and we heard stories of some whose elders weren't believers..so they are pe
One of the several couples we met are pictured here, Andrew and June MacGowan. Andrew was the founding president of the Highland Theological Seminary near Inverness. He is now a pastor in Inverness. He has traveled in the states alot and knows about Westminster Seminary and we had some common acquaintances...like Steve Cairns, our brother-in law. It was fun talking to them about their strategies for reaching those in their parish. They are very enthusiastic and committed.
I know this post is quite long...but felt like we need to catch up! We'll be better now about keeping you up-to-date !! We covet your prayers for us here!