Sunday, July 19th
Robert wanted me to write on blog this time...since I am here now and have alot to say! WOW! So overwhelming, leaving family and friends in San Antonio...had a nice going away dinner at Mexican restaurant in San Antonio...sure am going to miss our family there! However, I have already discovered that Skype makes the separation more bearable! Robert and I just sat and watched Brennan (11 mos) play and eat in his high-chair and visited with Robert's mom and Melody. It is ALMOST like being there...just can't touch! Anyway, we trust the Lord to meet needs and will look forward to hearing from all of you either by email or phone or Skype!

I arrived on Monday afternoon...the weather was perfect...clear skies and gorgeous 78 degrees or so...easy trip to Scotland. You know it's not as far as you think! Delta had plenty of room in seats and individual movie screens...it helps the 8 1/2 hr flight go by more quickly.
Robert and I went immediately to Tesco...the "Walmart" of Scotland. I was pleasantly surprised to find prices on fresh fruits and vegetables LESS than stateside! I can't figure that out...except that they probably buy from local farmers...but very fresh and very plentiful produce! Yea! Then the other surprise was the Italian and French "gourmet" items that were so much less than stateside! Central Market type items...and in abundance. As far as I can tell, the only deficiency in the food arena here is meat. Fish is great...I fixed fresh haddock last night and it was wonderful...smoked salmon too. But beef and chicken are much more expensive here and less of a selection. Other than that, I'm probably going to have to find a WeightWatchers group!

On another pratical note...I made cauliflower soup and it was good! I'll share the recipe with anyone who wants it. Soups are very popular. I am having to learn how to cook again and will start by making soups! We plan on entertaining alot, so I need to learn as many good inexpensive dishes as possible!
I have already been out walking in surrounding countryside...looking at magnificent mountains and sea..listening to classical music on ipod and weeping over this incredible place and the opportunity to live here and share Christ. Robert and I went on a drive and encountered sheep and cows on the road at several points ...you just have to stop and yell at them...it's impolite to honk the horn we were told! They do have cows they raise for meat, but most of it is sent out of the area...too bad!
I met several ladies in a Bible study I attended on Thursday morning. They were using a study,"Seeking God" by Nancy Leigh Demoss. A couple of years ago I had told Annette Johnstone that I thought it was a great study and she was interested in it so I mailed her videos and some books. She shared it with a lady at church, and after looking at it, decided to lead the study. The ladies at the Kilmore church this past week shared what

Everyone here is very complimentary of Robert's preaching. I think they enjoy the informality and sincerity that Robert has in his preaching. The Texas accent is a plus too! They actually like it!
He preached at the church "Kilmore"yesterday morning and there was a great turn-out. Many are visitors in the area on holiday. The church building is a monument to the McDonald family...lots of memorials and stones. When Bonnie Prince Charles came gathering supporters for his cause, and several refused to help him...there was a revenge taken on those 20 non-supporters when they attended a funeral at Kilmore. You can see the old stone church and very ancient cemetery there...the present building is less than a couple of hundred years old.
I met the president of the Gaelic college here on Skye there as well and am hoping to take a class in Gaelic just so I can read and pronounce people's names and read road signs! I am thinking about sharing this blog with Robert and include what it is like to be a Texan living on Skye...I have found out that we might be the only Texans here on Skye....and are quite a novelty! We intend on making the most of that...when people ask why we are here...we can share the call of God with them!