One of the great joys of being here and Linda not working is that we have had the ability to be together early in the day to have time in the Word and to pray together. We know the difficulty it is for a couple to have unhindered time together when both are working, or when you have young ones at home. It has been such a refreshment to us and it is one of the great thanksgivings we have to our God that He has allowed this to be a part of our lives at this time. Linda is the second greatest blessing of my life, who is indwelt by the first greatest blessing of my life…the Holy Spirit of God, Who brought Life and Light to me, one who was “dead in my trespasses in sin, but Who being rich in mercy because of His great love with which He loved me, [5] even when I was dead in my transgressions, made me alive together with Christ (by grace I have been saved), [6] and raised me up with Him, and seated me with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, [7] in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward me in Christ Jesus. [8] For by grace I have been saved through faith; and that not of myself, it is the gift of God; [9] not as a result of works, that I should boast. [10] For I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that I should walk in them.” Ephes. 2:4-10 (personalized pronouns italicized by me).
What a blessing it is that God in His wisdom sent me to the Strath/Sleat Parish, under the guidance of Dr. Johnstone, to be orientated into the ways and protocols of Scottish ministry. He and his wife, Annette, have been such gracious hosts and care givers to us. Ben received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Reformed Seminary, in Jackson, MS., in 2002. He is a great model for me while I am here, for he is a pastor’s pastor and deeply loved by his people.

This is Ben, Annette (on my right), and a thirty-year missionary to
Nigeria friend of the Johnstones, Georgie Orme having, of all things,
fajitas in our “wee” cottage in Sculamus, last week.
I had the joy of administering communion this past Sunday in Elgol, the little village where the Lord began His work of leading us to Scotland. There could not have been a more remote spot on the face of the earth...well, almost, anyway...for the Lord to have put two pastors together at the same tea shop that would later turn into a life-long friendship and a ministry thousands of miles from San Antonio, Texas. Since that time, Isaiah 46:9, 10 has become one of the hallmark verses in my life: “I am God and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me…My purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.” I have come to desire that if there is any purpose that I want established, it is a good thing to make sure that my purposes have been orchestrated by Him and that whatever thing He considers His “good pleasure” well, that is the very thing I want to find my pleasure in, as well.
In just a little over three weeks, I will be preaching in view of a call from the Snizort Parish. The Scottish term is “preaching as sole nominee.” On Sunday, August 30, the parish will gather in Kensaleyre to hear me preach. A short intermission will follow the message and then the parish communicants will vote whether or not to call me as their new pastor. Most say that it is a done deal and that what I will be doing is just a formality. For me, however, it is a very important day, for in the end, it will accentuate the faithfulness of God in His call upon my life; it will allow me to show where my heart is in ministry and my desire to be a loving shepherd to these people. Please pray that God will grant me the freedom to declare His Word in a way that will reveal HIS HEART to these people.
Sola Dei Gloria