Sunday, August 9, 2009

Too wonderful for Words!

There are times when there are just no words to describe an experience or something you see. It’s humorous how Robert and I will be driving here in Scotland and we both make a stab at trying to express our feelings about what we are seeing. More often than not, we just weep out of sheer pleasure and the joy of being able to be in this magnificent place and partaking of God’s incredible handiwork. We just don’t have words to express ourselves to each other sufficiently. That person who said “A picture is worth a thousand words” certainly had it somewhat right, however, in some cases pictures just don’t do this place justice! We are making feeble attempts at taking pictures…but the blog is not a very good venue to share those on. It takes a long time to download pictures here, and so we only put a couple on at a time. We are exploring possibilities for sharing pictures, so if any of you have any suggestions, please tell us. At least you could have some idea of what we are talking about here with the beauty we see on a daily basis.

We drove over to the mainland…about 30 minutes or so from here on Friday to a little fishing and tourist village called “Plockton”. It has old cobblestone cottages…a couple with the old style thatched roofs, all with fabulous views of the loch, sailboats, mountains and blue,blue skies. It was one of those fantastic weather days here…for the most part sunny skies, light breeze, around 70 degrees. The air is so clean here that the scenery kind of jumps out at you. Anyway, we were standing on the shore, after having a great meal of fish and chips and someone started playing the bagpipes. We were looking at the mountains, water, sky and hearing a tune that touched our hearts…and all I could do was weep. It was one of those moments where you know that God has given you a wonderful blessing, and your heart is just too overflowing with gratitude to say a word…This “season” of our lives promises to be one of the richest in the sense of just enjoying your surroundings and the place you are at that we have ever experienced. We have been places we would rather not be at, and had painful times like everyone. I imagine this experience won’t be “pain free” either. But it’s nice to have times of refreshing of your body and soul isn’t it? I feel like that is what I’m experiencing here. I am thrilled to be back “under” Robert’s teaching again. The Lord really uses his words to touch my heart. I know his heart desire is to honor the Lord in it…it just makes it more special to me. Others are being blessed by his messages and make comments that they don’t want him to leave here to go to Snizort Parish. They have expressed what a blessing his teaching ministry has been in their lives. I also had a great opportunity to share my testimony of God’s grace at church. It was a blessing to again recount how God drew me to Himself and His work of grace in bringing Robert and I together.

We are thankful for this time here in the Wee cottage. It’s been a good time to adjust to everything new and enjoy our surroundings. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. I had a friend send an email today encouraging us to share in our blogs how you could support us financially if you feel led of God to do so….So I will do that. Robert recently established “Heart Matters Ministries” as a non profit organization, anticipating that God would meet needs and perhaps open opportunities for ministry that exceeded the stipend that the Church of Scotland provides for us. As far as needs now, the move over here cost us a bundle and we are faced now with buying some furniture and a vehicle. As far as opportunities in ministry, we are hoping and praying to expand our outreach beyond the one parish…and to do that will provide resources, both people and materials, to reach out in ways that are exceed our wildest dreams. We don’t know what He has in mind, other than we have a couple of good ideas of connecting empty pulpits with godly ministers from the states, or having mission teams come over and have holiday clubs or evangelistic outreach events. We don’t know yet. But, if you are interested in supporting financially….you can send a check to Craig Goedecke at 145 Lamont, San Antonio, Texas 78209 made out to “Heart Matters Ministries”. Craig is handling our banking accounts there in the states. We are hesitant to express any financial needs, but know that maybe the Lord is moving on some of you to share in the work He is doing here in Scotland. Most of all we covet your prayers. We are headed to Edinburgh this week, where Robert will meet with some people from the C of S for another final interview before his placement. That will be on Thursday afternoon our time. They say it’s a mere formality, but it’s still part of the process. Looking forward to keeping in touch through email and Facebook! Bless you !! Linda


sharerie said...

thanks for the update :) it's wonderful to hear your adventures.

Unknown said...

Wish that we could be there to experience the beauty. Good luck with the interview