She made it!!! She is here!!! Therefore, I am behind in my blogs. (for me) (for you).
We have had a wonderful reunion. No longer do I wish that her eyes could see what I am seeing or that she could do what I am doing, or meet the people I am meeting…she is doing all that with me. We have seen some amazing sights, we have worshipped together and she has joined me in visiting the sick and the widows. She is not just along side of me; she is a part of me. We love ministering together. We saw a man who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and an elderly lady who is unable to leave her home, therefore, unable to attend church. Linda is so gracious and gentle with the elderly. She truly has a compassionate heart. She has taught me a lot about what encouragement looks like.
We had supper with our next door neighbors last night, prior to having the Bible study. We had a wonderful meal and then moved into their sitting room for a time of study in the first chapter of Philippians. There were eight people at the study. We sang choruses and hymns for almost an hour…yes they love to sing. Throughout the singing time, Fiona McFarland played the piano, guitar and recorder and John Angus MacCusbic played the guitar and on a couple of songs we sang a cappella. (sp?)
Robert is letting me say something now that I am here…..yea! Thank you for your prayers for my travel. It was a very easy, uneventful trip over here, and I am over jet lag and feeling great!
Dunvegan is a beautiful place…the Manse is very nice, with fantastic views out of every window. We are looking forward to my parents and sister and her husband joining us here shortly…and have the beds all ready for them…
I have already experienced one lane roads with my husband’s race car driving, going up to a mountain that had more hairpin turns than any I have encountered thus far in my life! It was breathtaking…in every sense! Especially going down! And speaking of driving and cars…the Lord has graciously provided a nice car for Robert while he is here….a church member in the Snizort Parish manages a car dealership and he is loaning Robert a car. The amazing thing is that even when he got switched from that Parish to Dunvegan Parish, he still is allowing him to use the car! That is such a huge expense here…cars are so expensive to either rent or buy, it is amazing how the Lord has laid on this one man’s heart to do that for him.

I got to sit in the balcony at Dunvegan Church on Sunday and watch Robert on his 15 ft pulpit do everything …he was a one man show! Lead the music, prayers, and announcements and preach….they really get the mileage out of the minister in the worship service! He preached a very good message in the series he is doing there on “encounters with Jesus”. This week it was Zacchaeus. Everyone seemed to enjoy the message. I was interested to see several of the church members wearing their kilts… they are the dress up clothes here in Scotland…I wish Robert would get one, but I can’t imagine him wearing it to church!
Well, I could say a lot more, but we are headed to visit some of the folks he knows and wants me to meet. We are enjoying being together in Scotland!! The weather has been grand and glorious, and I have already seen many fantastic sites. We pick up family tomorrow in Inverness and will be back on Skye on Sat. the 23rd. We have quite an agenda of sightseeing so if you don’t get a blog update this next week, you’ll know why. Thanks again for all your prayers for us!! Blessings! Linda
What a joy to my heart to see both of you together! It sounds like you have done quite a bit already! Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing more about your trip! Love you!
Yay!! Linda made it!! You guys are so cute together. We are so glad you married us! We loved Scotland and are praying that you two have a rich experience as God uses you together ....for now!
amber and tim
Dr. Calhoun.
I'm glad Linda got to go up there.
That's awesome.
Please email me @ williams8@satx.rr.com
I miss you brother.
Ken Williams
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